

iBuild Handover Inspections are your independent property inspection consultants, helping you confidently take ownership of your new investment property. We work with property investors and owner occupiers, property investment advisors, and builders in South East Queensland, servicing Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Ipswich.


We specialise in handover inspections (also known as practical completion quality inspections) and 12-month builder's warranty inspections. We provide same-day property inspection reports, completed and sent on-site within one hour to avoid you costly delays.


 Our building inspections are a wise investment, to help you:

High quality property

Receive a high-quality property with excellent future potential that meets the current industry standards.

Avoid building defects

Avoid taking on a property with building defects that can escalate over time.

Maximise your investment

Maximise your investment – don't get caught out with unexpected repairs once your investment property has tenants.

Reduce ongoing maintenance

Reduce ongoing maintenance issues and costs.

Why choose iBuild?

Because we are independent, our inspections are unbiased. We receive no kickbacks or incentives from the building trade or property investment companies. We are licensed builders with more than 35 years of experience in the building industry. This means we have networks of trusted and reliable service providers so you have a seamless inspection and handover experience.

Book an iBuild Handover Inspection today.


Call Nigel on 0491 118 899, email your details to
info@ibuildhandovers.com or book online now!