For Builders


iBuild’s inspections are not designed to take builders by surprise. We coordinate with site managers and builders, allowing them to complete all works and achieve a superior result before the PC inspection. The builders we work with welcome this as a chance to step back, gain outside feedback, and finish their product. After all, builders, property developers, inspectors, and homeowners all want the same thing – a property that meets industry standards.

"As a licensed builder and former site manager myself, I'm not a scrutineer – I work with the property developer and the builder to achieve the same top-quality outcomes for the property owner."

— Nigel

Speedy and easy-to-read inspection reports

Builders take pride in their work, and that's what owners are buying into too. That's why we also report on rooms that are free from defects – to give positive feedback to builders and greater confidence to property owners.

Designed for both clients and builders, our property inspection reports are user-friendly and use photos to clearly point out what works are needed to meet the industry standards.

We produce our reports on-site and deliver them to you the same day – so you don't waste project time. You can start right away, helping to achieve a speedy turnaround and happier customers.

Also, our small core team means you will deal with the same person each time – and you'll always be able to reach us on the phone.

Post-pandemic recovery

The global pandemic has stalled some building projects, but we know that the recovery period is just around the corner. When projects are green-lit, we want to help you avoid a bottleneck or having to turn work away.

We can work with you to strategically schedule inspections so your team isn't time pressured to complete quality work.

It's your name on the side of the ute!

Small issues can become major problems later when owners or tenants need to schedule builder's access. No builder wants to revisit an old site; and no resident or investor wants the inconvenience of the disruption. It's your business name on the side of the ute, & our aim is to avoid any potential reputational damage caused by future remedial building works.

Find out more about our services:

Book an iBuild Handover Inspection today.


Call Nigel on 0491 118 899, email your details to or book online now!