Why builders prefer our PC inspection (PCI) reports
The answer to this question is quite straightforward. Consistency is the key – iBuild Handover Inspections provides the same licensed inspector every time with the same expectations of quality and industry standards, regardless of the size or type of property.
Our reports are set out in a format that is easy to read, including images, explanations, and the trades responsible for rectifying the defect. We make the job of rectifying defects easier for builders and their trades.
Often when we return to complete a second PCI, we will find a printed version of our first report on the kitchen bench with each defect being ticked off by the trades as they rectify them – making things so much easier and ensuring agreed defects are being addressed.
Our inspector also ‘dots’ each defect with painter’s tape, this coupled with the image provided on the report allows for accuracy and a point of reference. We also make sure to report on rooms that are defect-free – everyone loves positive feedback. With these measures in place, as the owner, you will also be able to easily identify the defects in your property and discuss them with your builder if need be.
Remember, your new property is a major human-engineered project, with many trades working together to complete the build. Your builder may not see every little detail that goes into constructing your new home. Most builders will welcome a third-party inspector, especially one who is a qualified builder with years of residential building experience themselves, so that you receive the keys to a quality property.
Builders love to take pride in their workmanship, and the PC inspection is an opportunity for them to step back, gain outside feedback, and finish their product to a high-quality standard for the owner.
Your builder and PC inspector working collaboratively – our top tips to get the best outcome
1. Leave the PC inspection to an expert familiar with the building standards. If you complete the inspection yourself and aren’t familiar with the process, you may miss important issues, even in a new property.
2. Choose an inspector that liaises well between you and your builder, your inspector should be working with your builder to provide the best possible outcome and high-quality home for you.
3. Ask your PC inspector how quickly they will get the report to you and your builder. The sooner they receive it the sooner the rectifications can get underway.
4. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Just because your property looks finished, that doesn’t mean the process is complete. It’s always safest if you have a professional to ensure its quality against industry standards, and this lessens the opportunity for any ongoing costly maintenance issues.
Call us on 0491 118 899 to arrange your inspection!