Our Handover Inspections


As licensed builders with more than 35 years' experience in the field, we know building sites. When so many teams are working together on a major human-engineered project, even the highest-quality build can have small areas that need attention. But, we understand that even minor defects can escalate over time to cause expensive repairs. So, for your peace of mind, our inspections ensure that your property meets current industry standards. You can settle your property confidently, knowing that there'll be much less chance of unexpected surprises in the near future or if tenants move in.

"After working for decades on building sites, we saw overly complex reports, with substandard explanations and no images to guide the trades on what work was needed. We developed our own software format, and we asked our network of industry peers for feedback, to produce a reporting system that is easily understandable for all stakeholders – owners, investors, and builders."

— Erica

Speedy property inspection reports within one hour of completion

Our same-day property inspection reports are produced on-site and sent to you within one hour. They include clear images of each defect, descriptions, and suggestions for the rectifications needed. They are designed to reduce confusion and avoid delays that can cost investors valuable time and income. Consistent reporting is also important for the 12-month builder's warranty inspection, using the initial report as a blueprint. Our reports become your 'owner's manual' and your record of quality to provide with the property if you decide to sell in future.


iBuild Handover Inspections specialises in two key property inspections


Handover inspections

Also called practical completion (PC) quality inspections, we help you achieve a successful property handover. Once your home has reached the practical completion stage, we work with your builder to schedule inspection times, to minimise delays with your settlement.


12-month builder’s warranty inspections

Building defects can make themselves known over time. That's why, under the statutory warranty period, your builder has an obligation to consider any defects that have arisen in the 12 months since practical completion. As the property owner, you need to refer to your contract, request the inspection in writing before the liability period expires, and iBuild can arrange a builder's warranty inspection prior to the expiry date. Protect your investment over time.

The report provides an excellent ongoing account of your property investment, valuable for the future should you decide to sell. We also offer a discount on your 12-month builder’s warranty inspection if you've used iBuild to conduct your initial handover inspection.

"My maintenance history gives me an eagle eye for spotting potential issues. Sometimes the builders don’t see every little item, and that’s where I come in; another builder checking to make sure the trades have done a good job and the home is built to a quality finish. It’s just good building practice!"

— Nigel

Sustainable practices

iBuild Handover Inspections is committed to working in environmentally sustainable ways. By developing our unique software package, we have introduced paperless solutions in all our operations and reduced our carbon footprint. We group our inspections in geographical areas to reduce our travel, and we offset any carbon emissions. We promote eco-friendly solutions to minimise our environmental impact. Our office is energy efficient with solar power, and we have an in-house recycling programme. We are always looking for new ways to improve our sustainable practices to introduce small changes that can make a big difference to our business and our planet.

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Book an iBuild Handover Inspection today.


Call Nigel on 0491 118 899, email your details to
info@ibuildhandovers.com or book online now!